Saturday, August 10, 2013

Tonight I Wanna Cry...

I have now given birth three times and ever since the first time I have dreaded the first week postpardtum, the afterbirth pains, the recovery, milk coming in and most of all the surge of hormones and scary emotional roller coaster that ensues.  I am now four days out and I have been pretty proud of myself and how I have been doing, but today its like it hit me. I have been down and mopey all day. I have done my best to stay out of the funk but today its kind of enveloped me and I couldn't seem to shake it. 

Everytime my mind has drifted to the pain of my loss I have fought back replaced it with a happy thought or memory trying to avoid the hurt but today its been hard, and I couldn't figure it out why I couldn't make it work.  Then tonight it hit me.

Today is August 10th. Its been five months since Chase passed away. Five months. 

Thinking about how Chase won't hold our son. Thinking about how much he's going miss. Thinking about all the photos I won't get to take. All the moments that will be missing something, someone. 

I found a beautiful quote today, "Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing the monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward." ~C. S. Lewis 

A Birth Story- Silas Clark

This is a place holder post. Eventually this will be the story of Silas' birth. Tonight however it is just a placeholder. I am too tired tonight to write about it. My heart is full of many different emotions tonight.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Becoming A Memory

Tonight after the children were in bed and Dr. Who just wasn't cutting it, I popped downstairs for something to occupy my tastebuds. Finding my distraction in the freezer I quietly meandered through my main floor. I paused in front of the curio cabinet transfixed on the face of someone I used to know. Someone that is slowly becoming a memory. This was a daunting realization. Just a memory.

My heart is breaking a little more tonight because I realize that memories fade. I don't want him to fade, I want him here. More than anything. I ache for him but time moves on. The sun rises and sets. The seasons are changing. My life is changing and as much as I wish I could turn back the clock erase all the bad. FIX this horrible change. I can't and every day that passes he slips more into the realm of memory, instead of reality.

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Well the day that I thought this child would arrive has come and gone, a whole week past what I expected. I guess he is teaching me a lesson in patience and God's time, which really is not a lesson I thought I was in need of, since I thought I had a pretty good grasp on the fact that I am not in control in any way, shape, or form. I do however have a promise from the doctor that this child will arrive by Tuesday, and if not he will induce Tuesday morning and I will have him in my arms by Tuesday night.

Its been a busy summer, Grace has been on several adventures she has taken swimming lessons, attended gymnastics and gotten to spend lots of time playing with cousins and friends.  Henry has had surgery, worked hard at talking and is loving his new mobility. He does NOT enjoy the splash pad or anything to do with water unless its contained in a bathtub.

We attended the Gale Family (Chase's Mom) Reunion last week and the kids enjoyed fishing, eating watermelon and just playing with cousins.

Henry and Grace are pretty good friends and if one does it the other quickly follows suit.