Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Funny Thing Is...

As I wind down from a very busy day that included {a little boy with serious tummy issues, vacuuming out my new to me car, taking Grace to get her Kindergarten shot, trying to track down a copy of my insurance card, then doing the bedtime routine and not getting Grace to actually stay in bed until almost NINE} I have been perusing Pinterest and attempting to get some spiritual studying aka scripture reading done while I've been at it.

As I am sure you can imagine a woman trying to cope and handle the loss I her spouse while pregnant is a bit of an emotional wreck at times. Try being a dehydrated, sick, and exhausted emotional wreck and see how much fun that is... But as I was pinteresting I came across Princess Bride quotes. Seriously one of my top five favorite movies of all
Time! And I came across a quote I have probably heard more than 250+ times in my life but it has brought me much comfort this evening as I lay here in my empty bed missing Chase.

"Death cannot stop true love, all it can do is delay it for a while."

This has brought me more peace tonight than almost anything else... Is that sacrilegious?

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